We need your help!

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Health and Function for People with Intellectual Disabilities (RRTC) is currently recruiting for volunteers with intellectual disability to tell us more about their health.

If you are interested in participating in a study that aims to boost the voices of those with intellectual disability in the medical field, especially those with intellectual disability who are persons of color (POC), please scan the QR code to contact the study coordinator to set up an online research visit.

Persons of color (POC) are often left out of research, and when they are included, their health outcomes may not be reported due to small sample sizes. The lack of health data for persons of color with ID and illness is a challenge for planning programs and treatments.

When POC are included in research, research is often done to them rather than with them. Health researchers should include people of color as partners in research planning, not just as research subjects. That way, the research will reflect their voices, values, and be more likely to succeed.