Can you hear us now? (2023-2028)

Study 1 We will improve our clear language health survey to give adults with intellectual disability (ID) a way to share their health needs with professionals, like therapists, doctors, and counselors. – Work with our research partners to look at past survey results and make some changes that will improve how it works

– Give the updated health survey to 50 adults with ID to see how the survey helped them report their health needs to professionals. 

– Give the updated health survey to 500 college students to see how the survey works across different populations of people.

Study 2 We will learn more about how many adults with ID also have mental health needs. – Ask adults with ID across the United States questions about their health and wellbeing (i.e., interviews; clear language survey)

– Work with our research partners, including the DEEP, REEP, and Special Olympics, to include adults with ID from different backgrounds, cultures, and races.

– Work with our research partners to look at past results and new results, in order to share how many adults with ID also reported mental health needs.

Study 3 We will make a mental health therapy treatment for adults with ID who worry a lot of the time or have anxiety.  – Look at current research on mental health therapy for people with ID and make a treatment plan

– Give the research-based treatment to small groups of adults with ID and see how it works

– Use what we learn to teach professionals how to use the group therapy when they are treating adults with ID 

Study 4   We will set-up a system to learn more about the health and needs of adults with ID over time.   – Work with partners to make a long-term plan to collect health and community living information from people with ID.  2023-208

Can you hear me now? (2018-2023)

Study 1 Give adults with intellectual disability (ID) a way to share their health needs with professionals, like therapists, doctors, and counselors. – Work with our disability and research experts to make health surveys easier to use and understand

– Test new health surveys with 50 adults with ID to see if changing the surveys helped them report their health needs

Study 2 Find out how many adults with ID also have mental health needs. – Give health surveys to adults with ID across 5 states

– Continue testing surveys from Study 1 with adults with ID from 5 states to see if they are working well

– Some people will also interview with a doctor. This will help us to see if our surveys are giving us the right information about the health needs of people with ID

Study 3 Make treatment guidelines for mental health professionals, like doctors, counselors, and therapists.  – Look at current research on mental health treatment for people with ID

– Talk with people with ID and mental health professionals to find out which factors of therapy & treatment are helpful

– Use what we learn to make guidelines for professionals to use when they are treating people with ID
